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School Life

Extra Curricular Activities

At Ritchies Primary School, we endeavour to create experiences and encourage activities that go beyond the academic development of our students. Many memories of an adult's school life do not surround a class or formal lesson, but an extra-curricular activity enjoyed. It is with this in mind, that we celebrate the successes of our students and infuse culturally and socially engaging activities that will form lifelong memories for our students. Our clubs and societies, school beauty projects, Career Expositions and Graduations are among annual events that are quite memorable for both staff and students.

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Career Day

The Ritchies Primary School believes in making our Career Day activities meaningful and targeted. Over the years, we have endeavored to host activities that broaden the horizons of our students in light of future career paths.
Last year's Career Day was centered around careers that dependable heavily on Mathematics.  This year, in light of Covid 19 and the many persons who found themselves jobless, we decided to focus on Entrepreneurship.


Jamaica Move

In light of a growing concern for the Health and Wellness of our students, spurred on by the Ministry's drive to keep our students active, the school hosted its first Jamaica Move Day.
Ably led by our then Peace Corps Volunteer, Miss Hannah Baker, the students and teachers participated in a barrage of activities centered around getting in shape and having fun.


Graduation 2020

With the limitations created by the Global Outbreak of Covid 19, we were unable to host our normal Graduation and Prize Giving Exercise.
We therefore, through much planning and support of our school family, coupled the unwavering commitment of our teachers had a Graduation Motorcade. The motorcade, comprising, teachers, P.T.A. President and other selected parents, visited each child to deliver their graduation packages and took pictures to commemorate the occasion.
The evening ended with a surprise Appreciation Service for the teachers, who went above nd beyond the call of duty during the school year.

School Life: What's Happening
Amarni Hyman.jpg

Graduation 2021

School Life: Welcome
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